

class sigtech.framework.instruments.base.HistoricalFrameworkObject

Baseclasses: AfterHistoryMixin, FrameworkObject

Subclasses: Instrument, MultiDimensionalObjectBase, Fix, IntradayFix, MacroEconomicFix, DividendCurve, Index, BaseCalendar, Universe, SIGMaster, EconomicSeries, Fund, FundShareClass, Quote

A class supporting historical levels on a series of reference dates.

We only allow reference to one field - this will be price for instruments and the reference value for other index levels - e.g. fixes or economic data.

property allowed_clean_sparse_fields

List of fields that are allowed to have na values on clean history.

property asset_description: str

String representing the underlying asset, or None if no assets exist.

property available_data_points: Optional[list[sigtech.framework.infra.data_adapter.common.DataPoint]]

Available data points for this object.

property base_name

Primary name used to identify the object.

property data_format

Return the data format associated with sparse history, i.e. ROWISE or COLUMNAR.

property data_point

Field used when retrieving history.

property data_source

Data provider of the instrument.

property data_source_all: Optional[list[str]]

Available data points for this object.

property default_data_point

Default data point for this object.

property history_fields: list[str]

The fields of history retrieved for this instrument.

property intraday_history_fields: list[str]

The intraday fields of history retrieved for this instrument.

intraday_times: Optional[list]
intraday_tz_str: Optional[str]
price_factor: Optional[float]
property prime_history_field: str

The main history field returned by default.

property prime_intraday_history_field

The main intraday history field returned by default.

property supplementary_fields: list[str]

Additional fields available for the group.

use_price_factor: Optional[bool]
add_custom_history(history: Series, field: str = 'LastPrice', data_point: Optional[DataPoint] = None)

Add custom history data for this object. If multiple, conflicting custom histories are added only the last addition will be returned from history.

  • historypd.Series of custom history with index as tz-naive, pd.DatetimeIndex dates.

  • field – Name of history field to overwrite.

  • data_point – Optional DataPoint to specify timing of custom history.

cache_history(fields: list, data_point: DataPoint, start_dt: datetime = None, end_dt: datetime = None, **kwargs)

Ensure history data is cached

calendar_schedule() Schedule

A calendar schedule - a schedule that is corresponding to a history schedule, but without min and max dates set.


Calendar schedule instance for the instrument

data_available(d: Optional[date] = None) bool

Method to indicate if pricing data is available for a given date.


d – Date of interest (optional), if not provided it will take as of date of the environment.

data_df(data_point: DataPoint = None, multi_index: bool = False, drop_nan_cols: bool = False, intraday: bool = False, intraday_period: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60), pretty_print: bool = True) DataFrame

Return a DataFrame containing all data available for this object.

  • data_point – Optional data point used to load the object history.

  • multi_index – If set to True, rows are uniquely indexed by a multi index (if applicable). Default is False.

  • drop_nan_cols – If set to True, all-NaN columns are dropped. Default is False.

  • intraday – If set to True, intraday data is returned (if applicable). Default is False.

  • intraday_period – Desired periodicity of intraday data (if applicable). Default is 1 minute.

  • pretty_print – If set to True, formatting is added to columns names and data values. Rates will be represented as percentage number instead of decimal number (e.g. 3.5 instead of 0.035).


pandas DataFrame.


Additional data checks can be implemented in sub classes here.

group() any

Group of this object.

has_preloaded_history(fields=None, data_point=None)

Check if the object has preloaded history.

history(field: str = None, adjust_for_delay: bool = False, date_index: bool = False, data_point: Optional[DataPoint] = None, datetime_index: bool = False) Series

Method to retrieve time series for objects overlaid by history schedule and publication delay (optional). If the given field does not exist, an empty series will be returned.

  • field – Optional - Returns time series for field - defaults to prime history field.

  • adjust_for_delay – Optional - Returns adjusted index if there is a publication delay.

  • date_index – Optional - Convert the timestamp index to dates.

  • data_point – data point to retrieve - from self.available_data_points

  • datetime_index – Optional - if True, populate the time and UTC timezone information in the index.




Return all the dates we should have actual history values.


Return all the dates we have actual history values.


Return all the dates we will eventually have history values.

history_df(fields: list[str] = None, data_point: DataPoint = None, multicolumn: bool = None) deprecated

Return the object history dataframe.

  • fields – list of fields. If not supplied, self.history_fields will be used

  • data_point – optional data point used to load the object history.

  • multicolumn – Deprecated input. This will be removed in future releases.



history_end_date() date

Eventual history end date, truncated to the as of date - the day on which history should end.


The last date we have an actual value for.

history_end_date_eventual() date

Last date for which data will be available - typically date.max if no end date set.

history_end_timestamp() Timestamp

First timestamp for which data should be available

history_schedule() Schedule

Object describing dates on which history is available and the corresponding delivery times.


History schedule instance for the instrument.

history_start_date() date

First date for which data should be available.

history_start_timestamp() Timestamp

First timestamp for which data should be available

intraday_history(field=None, period=None, start_dt=None, end_dt=None, daily_timeseries_time=None, daily_timeseries_tz=None, filter_by_trading_sessions=False, timezone=None, convert_yield_to_price=True)

Retrieve intraday history for this instrument as a Series.

  • field – field name in self.intraday_history_fields.

  • period – a dtm.timedelta giving the desired periodicity of the data.

  • start_dt – optional tz-aware dtm.datetime giving a desired start point.

  • end_dt – optional tz-aware dtm.datetime giving a desired end point.

  • daily_timeseries_time – if supplied, the intraday data will be down-sampled to daily data snapped at this time.

  • daily_timeseries_tz – timezone for the above. Optional, if not supplied defaults to self.valuation_tzinfo

  • filter_by_trading_sessions – If False ``(default), return all available data. If ``True return data during the main trading session. If a string/list(string), return data during the trading session(s) of that name according to self.group().session_data(). See intraday_trading_sessions() for list of sessions.

  • timezone – set the timezone of the returned series to this value

  • convert_yield_to_price – applies yield to price conversion for yield quoted futures, e.g. AUD bond futures


A (possibly sparse) pd.Series with a DateTimeIndex. Times should be tz-aware UTC.

intraday_history_df(fields=None, period=None, start_dt=None, end_dt=None, daily_timeseries_time=None, daily_timeseries_tz=None, filter_by_trading_sessions=False, timezone=None, convert_yield_to_price=True)

Retrieve intraday history for this instrument as a dataframe.

  • fields – a list of field names all in self.intraday_history_fields.

  • period – a dtm.timedelta giving the desired periodicity of the data.

  • start_dt – optional tz-aware dtm.datetime giving a desired start point.

  • end_dt – optional tz-aware dtm.datetime giving a desired end point.

  • daily_timeseries_time – if supplied, the intraday data will be down-sampled to daily data snapped at this time.

  • daily_timeseries_tz – timezone for the above. Optional, if not supplied defaults to self.valuation_tzinfo

  • filter_by_trading_sessions – If False ``(default), return all available data. If ``True return data during the main trading session. If a string/list(string), return data during the trading session(s) of that name according to self.group().session_data()

  • timezone – set the timezone of the returned dataframe to this value

  • convert_yield_to_price – applies yield to price conversion for yield quoted futures, e.g. AUD bond futures


A (possibly sparse) pd.DataFrame with a DateTimeIndex. Times should be tz-unaware UTC.


Gets ths list of trading sessions available as per the Copp-Clarke session data for this product group

publication_delay() str

Publication delay of data for this instrument.


Realign history series to proper business days.


series – Input series.


Realigned history series.

set_preloaded_history(data) None

Set the preloaded history of the object.


data – History data.

set_sparse_history(data) None

Set the sparse history of the object.


data – History data.

trade_schedule() Schedule

Schedule giving trade dates + last time at which we can trade for that date (i.e. notice time for funds).


Trade schedule instance for the instrument

wait_for_live_data(period: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None)

Waits until live data is collected up to and including env.asofdatetime :param period: period of the live intraday data to wait for (defaults to 1 minute)