

class sigtech.framework.strategies.rolling_strategy.RollingStrategyBase

Baseclasses: DailyStrategy

Subclasses: RollingFutureStrategy, RollingBondStrategy, RollingStructureBasketStrategy, RollingFXForwardStrategy, RollingOptionsStrategyBase, RollingSwapStrategy, RollingCreditIndexStrategy

Base strategy for all rolling strategy variation.

Keyword arguments:

  • rolling_frequencies: List of strings used to set roll dates, e.g. [‘3M’] (optional). If nothing is passed, the strategy uses ‘1BD’ frequency for trading.

  • roll_offset: Offsets the roll date by x days from when the roll schedule originally dated the roll.

  • custom_rolling_table: dataframe where the index is a datetime index and the and the columns are the decision_dt and the contract to be rolled in. All other schedule parameters (i.e. roll_offset or rolling_frequencies) are ignored if the list is non-empty.

  • extra_holidays (list or str): Additional holiday calendars. You can pass either a list or a string: ['CMX(T) CALENDAR','SINGEX_JP(T) CALENDAR'] or 'CMX(T) CALENDAR,SINGEX_JP(T) CALENDAR'

extra_holidays: Optional[Union[list, str]]
property holidays

List of known holiday calendars.

roll_offset: Optional[str]
rolling_frequencies: Optional[list[str]]
property rolling_table

Builds the strategy’s rolling table.


Built rolling table as a pandas DataFrame.


Business days schedule for the strategy.


Determine the dates to trade on.


Return the schedule information for this group.


Initial decision run on the start date of the strategy. :param dt: Reference datetime.