Long-only Trend Strategy#

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The purpose of thise notebook is to show how to construct a strategy on the SigTech platform - in this case with a basket of cross asset rolling futures.


This section will import relevant internal and external libraries, as well as setting up the platform environment.

[ ]:
import sigtech.framework as sig

import datetime as dtm
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (18, 6)})

env = sig.init(env_date=dtm.date(2024, 2, 22))


Below a helper function is defined which creates RollingFutureStrategy objects based on relevant input parameters.

[ ]:
def create_rfs(
    asset_params: dict[str, str],
    start_date: dtm.date,
    end_date: dtm.date
) -> sig.RollingFutureStrategy:

    if asset_params['roll_rule'] == 'front':
        st = sig.RollingFutureStrategy(
            contract_code = asset_params['symbol'],
            contract_sector = asset_params['sector'],
            currency = 'USD',
            rolling_rule = 'front',
            front_offset = asset_params['front_offset'],
            start_date = start_date,
            end_date = end_date
    elif asset_params['roll_rule'] == 'F_0':
        st = sig.RollingFutureStrategy(
            contract_code = asset_params['symbol'],
            contract_sector = asset_params['sector'],
            currency = 'USD',
            rolling_rule = 'F_0',
            monthly_roll_days = asset_params['monthly_roll_days'],
            start_date = start_date,
            end_date = end_date

    return st

Below are the instruments and asset classes defined which will form the strategy universe.

[ ]:
start_date = dtm.date(2010, 1, 4)
end_date = dtm.date(2020, 12, 4)

# Nested dict of assets and their symbol
assets = {
    'RATES': {
        'Treasury Futures (TY)': {'symbol': 'TY', 'roll_rule': 'front', 'front_offset': '-3,-3', 'sector': 'COMDTY'}
        'Corn Futures (C)': {'symbol': 'C ', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Soybean Futures (S)': {'symbol': 'S ', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Sugar Futures (SB)': {'symbol': 'SB', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Cotton Futures (CT)': {'symbol': 'CT', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Live Cattle Futures (LC)': {'symbol': 'LC', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Soybean Oil Futures (BO)': {'symbol': 'BO', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Brent Crude Futures (CO)': {'symbol': 'CO', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Gas Oil Futures (QS)': {'symbol': 'QS', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'Heating Oil Futures (HO)': {'symbol': 'HO', 'roll_rule': 'F_0', 'monthly_roll_days': '1,2', 'sector': 'COMDTY'},
        'S&P Futures (ES)': {'symbol': 'ES', 'roll_rule': 'front', 'front_offset': '-6,-5', 'sector': 'INDEX'},
        'Nasdaq Futures (NQ)': {'symbol': 'NQ', 'roll_rule': 'front', 'front_offset': '-7,-6', 'sector': 'INDEX'}
# Create basket of rolling future strategies
    asset_class: {
        contract: create_rfs(contract_params, start_date, end_date)
        for contract, contract_params in contracts.items()
    } for asset_class, contracts in assets.items()
[ ]:
# Add ETF for EM Rates
BASKETS['RATES']['Emerging Markets bond ETF'] = sig.ReinvestmentStrategy(
    start_date = start_date,
    underlyer = 'EMB UP EQUITY',
    currency = 'USD',

Show the price time series of the RollingFutureStrategy for the Treasury Futures (TY) contract group.

[ ]:
ty = BASKETS['RATES']['Treasury Futures (TY)']
ty.history().plot(title="Rolling Treasury Future Return (TY)");


[ ]:
def basket_weights(ts, weight):
    """ Replace with provided weight - gives an equal weight to each strategy """

    return 0 * ts + weight

def vol_target_weights(ts, vol_target=0.08):
    """ Calculate a weight to target a specified annual volatility """

    ann_vol = np.sqrt(252) * ts.pct_change().rolling(window=126).std().dropna()

    return vol_target / ann_vol

def momentum_overlay_weights(ts, short_span=63, long_span=252):
    """ Calculate a long momentum signal : 1 if the short span ewma is greater than long span, 0 otherwise """

    momentum_signal = ts.ewm(span=short_span).mean() > ts.ewm(span=long_span).mean()

    # Convert from true/false to 1/0.
    return momentum_signal.dropna().astype(float)

In this step we are utilizing the building block SignalStrategy in order to convert signals into a tradeable strategy. To find further information on SignalStrategy, see the following page Signal Strategy.

[ ]:
def create_new_adjusted_strategy(strategy_list, adjustment_func, name=None, **kwargs) -> sig.SignalStrategy:
    Create a new platform Signal Strategy driven by a signal
    The signal is calculated by applying a supplied function on to the given strategies return
    If a list of strategies are provided, the method is applied individually and then combined in to one basket strategy.

    signal_df = pd.concat({x.name : adjustment_func(x.history(), **kwargs) for x in strategy_list}, axis=1).dropna()

    st = sig.SignalStrategy(
        currency = 'USD',
        signal_name = sig.signal_library.from_ts(signal_df).name,
        rebalance_frequency = '1W-FRI',
        start_date = signal_df.first_valid_index(),
        end_date = signal_df.index[-1],
        ticker = name
    return st
[ ]:
# Apply vol targeting to treasuries
example_ty_vol_targeted = create_new_adjusted_strategy([ty], vol_target_weights)

# Apply momentum overlay on to vol targeted results
example_ty_momentum_overlay = create_new_adjusted_strategy([example_ty_vol_targeted], momentum_overlay_weights)

# Plot return of treasury futures / treasurues with vol targeting / treasuries with vol targeting & momentum.
ty_history = ty.history()
ax=ty_history.plot(label='Treasuries (TY)', legend=True);
example_ty_vol_targeted.history().plot(label='TY Vol Targeted', legend=True);
example_ty_momentum_overlay.history().plot(label='TY Momentum Overlay', legend=True);

# Extract signal from the momentum strategy and overlay in plot.
example_momentum_overlay_signal = example_ty_momentum_overlay.signal.history().iloc[:,0].reindex(ty_history.index)
example_momentum_overlay_signal.plot(label='TY Momentum Overlay Signal',
                                     legend=True, secondary_y=True, color='k', alpha=0.5);


Creating the asset-class baskets#

[ ]:
def create_asset_class_baskets(basket_name):
    """ loop over asset class constituents creating momentum-driven strategies, then combine into a basket"""

    asset_class_instruments = BASKETS[basket_name]

    momentum_overlays = []
    for instr in asset_class_instruments:

        # Apply vol targeting and then momentum overlay.
        vol_targeted_strategy = create_new_adjusted_strategy([asset_class_instruments[instr]], vol_target_weights)
        momentum_overlay_strategy = create_new_adjusted_strategy([vol_targeted_strategy], momentum_overlay_weights, name = instr + '.M_Overlay')


    # Generate asset class basket using equal weights.
    basket = create_new_adjusted_strategy(momentum_overlays, basket_weights, name=basket_name, weight = 1.0 / len(momentum_overlays))
    return basket

# Run over asset classes to create the three baskets.
asset_class_baskets = {basket_name : create_asset_class_baskets(basket_name) for basket_name in BASKETS.keys()}
[ ]:
for basket_name, basket in asset_class_baskets.items():

Creating the top portfolio#

[ ]:
# Use equal weightings between the asset class baskets to form portfolio.
portfolio = create_new_adjusted_strategy(list(asset_class_baskets.values()), basket_weights, weight = 1.0 / len(asset_class_baskets))
[ ]:
portfolio.history().plot(title='Portfolio Total Return');
[ ]:
# Evaluate the trades at one point in time
portfolio.inspect.evaluate_trades(dtm.datetime(2017, 11, 10, 9), 100e6, formatted=True)


Overall performance#

[ ]:
sig.PerformanceReport(portfolio.history().rename('PORTFOLIO'), sig.CashIndex.from_currency('USD').history()).report()
[ ]:
return_df = pd.concat({na : st.history() for na, st in asset_class_baskets.items()}, axis=1).dropna()
sig.PerformanceReport(return_df, sig.CashIndex.from_currency('USD').history()).report()

Return attributions#

[ ]:
# Get p&l contributions from level 1 - one level below portfolio where we have the asset class baskets.
pnl, weight = portfolio.analytics.pnl_breakdown(levels=1)
[ ]:
ax=(100 * pnl[[st.name for st in asset_class_baskets.values()]]).plot()
ax.set_ylabel("% Return");
[ ]:
# Get p&l contributions from level 2 - one level below the asset class baskets where we have the momentum overlays.
pnl, weight = portfolio.analytics.pnl_breakdown(levels=2)

# Only show contributions from the rates.
ax=(100 * pnl[[(st + '.M_Overlay STRATEGY').upper() for st in BASKETS['RATES']]]).plot()
ax.set_ylabel("% Return");
[ ]:
# Obtain the annual turnover values for instrument types.

The transaction cost impact#

[ ]:
# Create an updated portfolio excluding transaction costs
portfolio_with_no_tcosts = portfolio.clone_object({'include_trading_costs': False})
[ ]:
return_df = pd.concat({'PORTFOLIO' : portfolio.history(),
                       'PORTFOLIO - NO COSTS' : portfolio_with_no_tcosts.history()}, axis=1).dropna()
sig.PerformanceReport(return_df, sig.CashIndex.from_currency('USD').history()).stats_display()
[ ]: