Custom strategy using RSI#

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The purpose of this notebook is to show how to create a custom strategy which acts on an RSI indicator.


This section will import relevant internal and external libraries, as well as setting up the platform environment.

[ ]:
import sigtech.framework as sig
from sigtech.framework.signal.library.momentum import rsi

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dtm
import seaborn as sns

sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (18, 6)})

env = sig.init(, 2, 22))


[ ]:
sig_master = env.sig_master()
rdsa = sig_master.filter('RDSA', 'EXCHANGE_TICKER')\
          .filter_primary_tradable() \
rdsa = rdsa.to_single_stock()
rdsa_xlon = rdsa[list(rdsa.keys())[0]]
[ ]:
rs = sig.ReinvestmentStrategy(
    currency=rdsa_xlon.currency,, 1, 4),,


[ ]:
class CustomRSIStrategy(sig.DailyStrategy):

    asset_ticker: str

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.asset = sig.obj.get(self.asset_ticker)
        self.asset_history = self.asset.history()

    def strategy_initialization(self, dt):
        """ "Magic" function that is run before the strategy's first trading date. """
        # We loop over every day in our history schedule
        for d in self.history_schedule().all_data_dates()[1:]:
            self.add_method(d, self.rsi_decision)  # a processor is just a method

    def rsi_decision(self, dt):
        """ Takes a trading decision based on RSI level. """

        # Calculate the 14-period RSI
        h = self.asset_history
        d = self.size_date_from_decision_dt(dt)
        asset_history = h[:d].iloc[-20:].to_frame()  # we cut to the last prices
        rsi_series = rsi(14, asset_history).squeeze().dropna()

        # Store today's and yesterday's values
        rsi_tod = rsi_series.iloc[-1]
        rsi_yday = rsi_series.iloc[-2]

        # Decide on how to trade
        # Exiting out of oversold - we buy
        if rsi_tod > 30. and rsi_yday < 30.:
            self.add_position_target(dt, self.asset_ticker, 1., unit_type='WEIGHT')
        # Crossing 50 from beneath, exiting
        elif rsi_tod > 50. and rsi_yday < 50.:
            self.add_position_target(dt, self.asset_ticker, 0., unit_type='WEIGHT')
        # Exiting out of overbought - we sell
        elif rsi_tod < 70. and rsi_yday > 70.:
            self.add_position_target(dt, self.asset_ticker, -1., unit_type='WEIGHT')
        # Crossing 50 from above, exiting
        elif rsi_tod < 50. and rsi_yday > 50.:
            self.add_position_target(dt, self.asset_ticker, 0., unit_type='WEIGHT')
[ ]:
rsi_strat = CustomRSIStrategy(
    currency=rs.currency,, 1, 4),,

Performance Analytics#

[ ]:
strategies = pd.concat({
    'RDSA RSI Strategy': rsi_strat.history(),
    'RDSA Long-only Strategy': rs.history()
}, axis=1).dropna()
[ ]: