Equal Weighted Equity Strategy#

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import sigtech.framework as sig

from uuid import uuid4
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dtm

env = sig.init(env_date=dtm.date(2024, 2, 22))

Define the investment universe#

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equity_filter = sig.EquityUniverseFilter('DAX INDEX', use_add_order=True)

Create the strategy#

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factor_definition = sig.FactorExposures()

factor_definition.add_raw_factor_timeseries('SIZE', fundamental_field='Market Cap', fundamental_freq='Quarterly')
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def include_highest_by_mcap(factors, proportion = 0.3, **kwargs):
    :param factors: frame where index is each factor, columns are stocks
    :param proportion: proportion of stocks to include ranked by MCAP
    :returns: series where index is stocks, value is signal

    factors = factors.sum(axis=0)

    n = int(len(factors) * proportion)

    long = pd.Series(1, index=factors.nlargest(n).index)

    return long
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equal_weighted_strategy = sig.EquityFactorBasket(

    # Base currency of the strategy

    # Start date of the strategy
    start_date=dtm.date(2021, 1, 4),

    # End date of the strategy
    end_date=dtm.date(2021, 5, 31),

    # Equity universe filter object or universe time series

    # Rebalance frequency

    # Factor exposure object

    # Function to convert factor values to signals

    # Allocation function to convert signals to weights

    # Name of the strategy
    ticker=f'EQUAL WEIGHTED {str(uuid4())[:4]}'


Generate the performance report#

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