Duration Weighted Strategy#

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[ ]:
import sigtech.framework as sig

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dtm
import seaborn as sns

sns.set(rc = {'figure.figsize': (18, 6)})
env = sig.init(env_date=dtm.date(2024, 2, 22))

Define the universe#

[ ]:
start_date = dtm.date(2018, 1, 5)
group = sig.obj.get('US GOVT BOND GROUP')
tenors = ['30Y', '5Y']
[ ]:
def create_otr(group: str, tenor: str, start_date: dtm.date) -> sig.RollingBondStrategy:
    return sig.RollingBondStrategy(
        # Assing the country of the bond group

        # The strategy denomination currency

        # Which bonds to be used as part of the strategy,
        # could e.g. be 'ON_THE_RUN', 'FIRST_OFF_THE_RUN',
        # 'SECOND_OFF_THE_RUN' etc.

        # Start date of strategy

        # Tenor of strategy

        # Name of strategy
        ticker=f'{tenor} {group.country} OTR'
[ ]:
otr_dict = {
    tenor: create_otr(group, tenor, start_date)
    for tenor in tenors

Create the strategy#

[ ]:
dur_dict = {
    tenor: otr_dict[tenor].ann01_series()
    for tenor in tenors
[ ]:
df= pd.DataFrame({otr_dict['5Y'].name:-(dur_dict['30Y']/dur_dict['5Y']),otr_dict['30Y'].name:1}).dropna()

Construct the portfolio#

[ ]:
signal_obj = sig.signal_library.from_ts(df)
[ ]:
duration_weighted_strat = sig.SignalStrategy(
    # Start date of strategy

    # Currency in which the strategy is denominated in

    # Reference to the signal object

    # On the instruments which have a negative weight,
    # refrain from creating a short version of that
    # instrument

Generate the performance report#

[ ]: